Miyamoto International

Miyamoto International’s Pledge to the PREPARE Call to Action

  • General
  • Posted 6 months ago

The President’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE) Call to Action event at the 28th United Nations Climate Change conference (COP28) showcased how key private sector actors are taking bold action in support of climate-vulnerable communities. PREPARE serves as the US Government framework that brings together the diplomatic, development and technical expertise to work with developing countries adapt to and manage the impacts of climate change.

The following is Miyamoto’s PREPARE Pledge:

Miyamoto International (Miyamoto) is a global structural engineering firm with a humanitarian focus. Climate change poses an unprecedented challenge to global housing, and we must take action to make our homes and surrounding communities resilient to its impacts. Housing often comprises hundreds of millions of individual assets and remains a challenging and often neglected facet of infrastructure adaptation.

To address the critical gap and respond to the PREPARE Call to Action, Miyamoto will create an informal coalition to build understanding about the potential of both indigenous (or “vernacular”, meaning belonging to a specific locality) practices and global technological advances to boost resilience. Examples include a wide spectrum of possibilities, from leveraging local skills and traditional construction practices using bamboo, earth, and nature-based solutions, to availability of AI-powered apps that regulate building codes in hazard zones.

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